Thursday, February 2, 2012


February Photo a Day - Pic 2


I found this newspaper article while looking for my passport before Fiji. Its dated 20 November 1974. That's me on the chair in the top left hand corner with my Nanna, for the opening of her Antiques & Old Wares shop. She has passed on now and the shop is now an accountants office. Oh the memories.

I love that the phone numbers were 3 numbers back then. Nanna's was 179. Now they are 8 without even the area code. How times change.

FPAD - 1

February Photo A Day - Pic 1

My view today!

Feb Photo a Day - c/- fat mum slim

{ image from: fat mum slim }

I'm going to do this!! I'm 3 days late but playing catch up! I think its a great idea, but I'm not going to post onto instagram, I'm going to do it on my blog. It gets you thinking. I'll do a catch up as my next blog post then even if I don't post them on the day, I'll be sure to do it when I can. :)

Happy Snapping

P xx

Fiji 2012

Well I'm home from Fiji and what an awesome holiday. Plenty of rest and relaxation! The wedding I went over to shoot was just stunning, althought THE hottest day of our trip. The humidity was a killer. Carrying around 5kg of camera gear in it wasn't pleasant, but the rain arrived to cool everyone down. Thank. God.

The few days prior were spent relaxing, checking things out and the swim-up-bar-pool, which is always a winner with everyone. Especially 'happy hour'

We had booked in to do a jet-ski ride out to the islands to snokel but that was cancelled due to heavy rain, that litterally bucketed down for the last few days we were there, which in turn flooded us in at our resort. The day we left we had to be helicoptered to the airport at a nice little fee of $FJD170, but with the refund on the jet-ski's at least we got to ride in something. The view from up there was fantastic.

The airport was not pleasant tho, the plane had engine troubles, which resulted in a 21 hour stay at the airport terminal. But all in all what a great break away, I'm happy with the shots I got of the wedding and the company was great.

To be honest though, now that I've been, I wouldn't rush back in a hurry. Unless there was another wedding to go too! I've seen it now, beautiful and relaxing, but I'd choose Bali anyday.

Next stop - 4 weeks to go until I'm P&O cruising.....stay tuned for all my 2012 travels.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Counting the sleeps....

Only 8 more sleeps until I'm off to Fiji.....stay tuned for an awesome blog post of my adventures. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Face your problems don't FACEbook your problems!

Facebook can be friend or foe. I've just gone over a week, deactivated from it. Its been refreshing really, I thought I would miss it more than I am. Have withdrawals. But I have quite suprised myself. There has probaby been a few occassions where I have wanted to hop back on. But I've busied myself with something else and the 'craving' has passed. It was a habit, and habits need to be broken. Like giving up smoking, or eating etc...

It was getting to the point I was on it all day at work, work suffered, then I went home and had it open on my Mac all day/night. My kids and housework suffered. I've got heaps more done around the house. Lots of time to myself. It makes me wonder. What did we ever do before Facebook?

I love it for the re-connection with old school friends. Keeping in contact with friends that life gets too busy to call on, or pick up the phone. I like it to show off my kids and their achievements. I like it for all the photography groups that I am a 'liker' of, special deals, creative ideas and help with just about anything you need. Just call it out on facebook, someone will know.

The last few weeks of 2011, I was getting annoyed with it. People using it to pick on others, who weren't their friend, but knew they would find out. Nasty name calling, horrible words. And then there are the depressed people who use it as their personal journal for the world to read. Do we really need to know that you seen your counciller today and he prescribed anti-depressants? Isn't that a personal journey that you take with the closest of  close friends for their support?

People use it for many different reasons, and this is just my rant. But I stick by the rule using it, too face my problems, now facebook my problems. I have close and supportive friends and family for that. I'm not out for sympathy from online friends.

So when I reactivate in a few weeks. I'll be sure to make 2012 a positive happy year, and delete the so called friends who's lives are really, none of my business!
